Sunday, December 13, 2015

Steves Birthday (also a happy place for me)

IWell, this was his 30th BIRTHDAY weekend! I LOVE birthdays and we do them big in the Tenorio household.

First we started off with the cows. Literally, cows. They were delivered 5am Friday morning and would be staying through the weekend MOOOOOO.

Then we had company over Friday night, which wasn't birthday related, but what the hell I made a cake and we sung anyways! We had a blast and love our friends so much. 

Saturday I worked, but after we had our lovely neighbors over for dinner. Then we all got cozy on the couch and watched Elf. Sounds like a perfect night to me.... 

Sunday we woke up and since it was "the big day" I gave Steve his gifts and we packed ALOT AND WERE OFF! I surprised Steve with a trip to Texas! We get to go kid free, thanks best dad in the world! Also, we are going with our close friends. The weekend we're going, rodeo season kicks off! We have many plans and will be staying at the Dixie dude Ranch- I can't wait!!! Anyways, We went to Starved Rock State Park which isn't too far from our home and HIKED! We went to eat after and drove home... A LONG day but an amazing day... Here are some photos... 

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